United Way works for a healthier America
Whether it is a neighbor without health insurance, a victim of abuse, or someone struggling with mental illness or an addiction, United Ways are working to ensure everyone has access to affordable and quality care. We are working to make people more aware of health risks and the potential effects they have on ourselves and others, starting from birth. We are working to make changes which will enable more people to live healthier lives.
We work to improve the physical and mental health, safety, and well-being for people of all ages.
- Substance abuse treatment for adults and adolescents
- Mental health counseling
- Palliative care for end of life patients
- Advocates for abused and neglected children
- Medical hospitality house
- Youth vegetable garden
- Trauma services for victims of sexual assault
- Suicide intervention
- Shelter for women and children from domestic violence
- Meals delivered to elderly and disabled
- Men’s residential treatment facility
- Physical, occupational, and speech therapies
- K.I.D.D. ABA (applied behavior analysis) treatment
- Equine assisted growth and learning assoc (EAGALA) services
- Hippotherapy and therapeutic riding
- Nutritional food for food pantries
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